Hello, I'm
Software Engineer with experience in JavaScript, React, MongoDB, Express, and Python.

About Mai
Enthuastic, fun, and driven Software Engineer specializing in converting technical designs to a user. Strong passion for web technologies and web development, digital and personal empathy, and excellent communication skills.
Mai's Project Gridiron Survivor
May the best win! This application will be created with user authentication & CRUD functionalities
Resource Library
A resource management application with user authentication & CRUD functionalities
Binge the night away with exclusive movies and films!
Tiny Task
A kids activities management application with user authentication & CRUD functionalities
Gridiron Survivor
May the best win! This application will be created with user authentication & CRUD functionalities
Resource Library
A resource management application with user authentication & CRUD functionalities
Binge the night away with exclusive movies and films!
Tiny Task
A kids activities management application with user authentication & CRUD functionalities
Presentations Mai Conducted Playwright - Gridiron Survivor
How Playwright will be used in our project and highlighting 3 main Playwright objectives
Playwright - Gridiron Survivor
How Playwright will be used in our project and highlighting 3 main Playwright objectives