Hello, I'm

Software Engineer with experience in JavaScript, React, MongoDB, Express, and Python.

Picture of the author

About Mai

Enthuastic, fun, and driven Software Engineer specializing in converting technical designs to a user. Strong passion for web technologies and web development, digital and personal empathy, and excellent communication skills.

Mai's Project
  • Gridiron Survivor

    May the best win! This application will be created with user authentication & CRUD functionalities

  • Resource Library

    A resource management application with user authentication & CRUD functionalities

  • Habit-sation

    Binge the night away with exclusive movies and films!

  • Tiny Task

    A kids activities management application with user authentication & CRUD functionalities

Presentations Mai Conducted
    Playwright - Gridiron Survivor

    How Playwright will be used in our project and highlighting 3 main Playwright objectives